Employee Productivity
The difference between the value to the company of an employee performing in the top 5% and one performing in the bottom 5% is twice their annual salary -HR Zone.
Do You need to find more top performers for your organization?

Cost of Poor Hire
The cost of a poor hire in an entry-level position replaced quickly can only be a few hundred dollars. For hires in higher-level positions that extend over a period, the negative impact can be hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Want to make sure your next hire will be a great hire?

Results Down
Have talented people that are perfect for the position they are in BUT they and the organization are not producing the results needed or reaching goals? Even great people don’t reach their potential unless they have the training, coaching, rewarding, and managing to develop.
Want to be sure the great people you hire are reaching their full potential to ensure success?
Outlaw Group Helps You…
OUT Perform Competition. OUT Perform the Industry. OUT Perform the Past. OUT Perform Your Expectations.
What We Can Do For You
Outlaw Group can enable you to increase your results by…
We assist by sourcing, selecting and developing the best talent. Continuing these elements into talent consulting are just a few of the resources available to help you build a better business.
sourcing talent
Tired of the time and hassle of placing ads, wading through tons of resumes and scheduling interviews, only to discover you can’t find the candidate needed? Want an easier way to keep a pipeline filled with high-quality candidates?
selecting talent
Picking the right person to hire has never been more difficult. More applicants simply make the job harder. Outlaw Group provides your organization with the staffing skill and the tools to pick top performers.
developing talent
Ever hire an employee with great promise only to see them never reach what you saw as their potential?
Even if you hire people with great promise, they have to be sufficiently developed to realize their true potential.
talent consulting
Ensuring you have the talent needed to succeed in today’s challenging business environment is more difficult than ever. There are so many elements to master and ensure that you have a healthy talent pipeline of the future. Outlaw Group analyzes your current talent system, recommends critical improvements, assists in implementation, and even measures the return on your talent investment annually.
We provide an All-In-One Integrated System with Elements Perfectly Matched
To Meet Your Needs To Avoid Making A Hiring Mistake
The RJ Young Company has taken advantage of Outlaw Group’s hiring tools for a number of years. We found the correlation between our top performers and the candidates proved to be invaluable in our selection process. Wayne also has taken the time to coach our managers through the process, and this alone has helped us find the right person, right job with the right management style. We especially used Outlaw Group when we had acquisitions and needed to make quick decisions on which candidates to retain.
I highly recommend Wayne, Outlaw Group, and their services. With their support and expertise, we’ve been able to hire, retain, and nurture a high percentage of top-performing team members. He’s a great partner, and Outlaw Group provides a client and a people-centric approach. Thanks, Wayne.
I am constantly asked about the keys to business success. One of those is to establish an outside support team that has seen it all and helps us get results faster. Whether it was helping us get and keep great employees, develop our team’s leadership effectiveness, or creating a strategic talent plan, Outlaw Group has been a tremendous asset to my various companies over the past 23 years. I can draw a direct connection from the investment we made to our achievement of outstanding results. Our team and I thank you and Outlaw Group for your guidance and vision.
Outlaw Group
Take The Next Step To Greater Performance
We take the stress and worry out of ensuring you have the talent needed to propel your organization to new heights!
Get In Touch
Outlaw group, inc.
p.o. box 661
mt. pleasant, SC 29465
843-884-9361 | 800-347-9361
[email protected]